• Question: What is your favourite thing as a scientist and what is your favourite idea for a scientist

    Asked by 297nveg36 to Michael, Lauren, Marisol, Sarah, Sophie on 14 Nov 2016. This question was also asked by 694nveg45.
    • Photo: Michael Rivera

      Michael Rivera answered on 14 Nov 2016:


      My favourite thing as a scientist would have to be my measuring tape. A measuring tape comes in very handy when I’m measuring bones and writing scientific reports – it allows me to see who had a bigger head, or who had a shorter leg.

      My favourite idea is the fact that people have bodies that come in different shapes and sizes. Men and women differ, and younger and older people are different too. For example, did you know that boys and men have a little bump on the side of their skull? Try feeling for it behind your earlobe! If you have the bump, you’re a boy, and if you don’t have the bump, you’re a girl! Isn’t that weird??

      A long time ago, when we looked a little bit more like apes 6 million years ago, it was important for men to show off their strong jaw muscles – women would find it attractive if it looked like you could fight predators and enemies. Nowadays, we don’t have such a need – instead we buy women flowers and go on movie dates. But that difference in having a bump has remained in our biology over 6 million years!

      Michael 🙂

    • Photo: Lauren Burt

      Lauren Burt answered on 16 Nov 2016:


      Interesting questions! Had to think really hard!

      My favourite bit of equipment is a camera. I love taking photos to keep a record of what I see. I have put some of my pictures on my profile! I get to go to some cool places and take pictures as I go. It is cool to take a picture in the same place year after year to see how it changes over time! We have a camera that can take 3d pictures which is really cool- when you put it on a computer you can pretend you are there!

      I think that scientists have so many ideas as that is part of their jobs! I love that there are scientists exploring the world… at the bottom of the ocean and the deepest jungle and the coldest mountain to look for cures to diseases! People are really good at solving problems and learning and science does just that!

      Lauren ?
