• Question: how many different diesies can a animal have

    Asked by LilloLilly to Marisol on 10 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Marisol Collins

      Marisol Collins answered on 10 Nov 2016:

      Hi LilloLilly! Dogs can have hundreds of diseases! I have a textbook about the diseases of dogs in my office and it is huge! It lists over 300 different diseases. Some of these are one that only dogs can get, and some are diseases that other animals and humans can also get. This is one reason why being a vet is so interesting, but also hard work! You have to learn about all these diseases, and then not just in the dog, but in many other species too! I am really interested in the infectious diseases that can pass from dogs to other species including humans. For example, rabies, and worm parasites.
