• Question: how did you become a scientist

    Asked by happy girl <3 to Sophie, Sarah, Michael, Marisol, Lauren on 4 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Sophie Nedelec

      Sophie Nedelec answered on 4 Nov 2016:

      I think I probably started becoming a scientist when I was a kid and I got given a bug pot and a magnifying glass and I used to love going round collecting things and looking at them. It’s been quite a journey from then until now but I think the main thing that has brought me to my position I am in today is curiosity combined with the perspective that no question is too small – everything is worth investigating!

    • Photo: Lauren Burt

      Lauren Burt answered on 6 Nov 2016:

      Hi @happyGirl!

      I had some really good teachers who explained science really well, so if I had a question they could answer it. They made me enjoy it and then I chose to do it for GCSE and then chose to do biology at A-Level many years later.

      I became a scientist by doing some more learning at university. Science is such a big subject that it is a part of other subjects too. You start off learning a bit of everything whilst you are at school, and then as you get older you decide which bits you like the most and want to learn more about. So, I have always been a scientist- all the way from primary school!

      Lauren 😀

    • Photo: Michael Rivera

      Michael Rivera answered on 7 Nov 2016:

      Hi there!

      It’s funny – I actually was inspired to be a bone scientist after watching a TV show! The TV show was called ‘Bones’, about a scientist who uses bones to solve crimes! Since I watched it at 13 years old, I knew that’s what I wanted to do one day, and while I do not really do work with police, studying really old bones in archaeology has been similarly interesting!

      However you become inspired to do science, though… I think it’s just important to find a field of science you love!

      Michael 🙂

    • Photo: Marisol Collins

      Marisol Collins answered on 7 Nov 2016:

      Hey @happyGirl<3

      I enjoyed the science topics at school, especially biology, and decided to go to University to study biochemistry – all about the building blocks of life and the chemical reactions that happen in our cells to make them work and keep us alive. I think at that point, I became a scientist, and carried on, when I became a vet, which is also a type of scientist – this time learning about whole animals and how they work when they are healthy and unwell. Science is such a broad subject!
