• Question: have you ever seen any think interesting?

    Asked by 895nveg36 to Sophie on 4 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Sophie Nedelec

      Sophie Nedelec answered on 4 Nov 2016:

      I’ve seen so many interesting things! I’ve seen turtles having a lovers tiff – one bit the other ones neck and then the second one flippered him to the face and swam off! I’ve seen a moth laying hundreds of eggs on a doorframe only to find them all eaten by ants the next morning. I’ve seen leeches doing the leech dance trying to find their next meal, a mother orangutan teaching her daugter which jungle plants to eat, and a fox with no tail… I’ve seen an elephant tear the roof off of a car and a lion’s footprint which we could tell meant the lion was within 50 m of us but we couldn’t see it in the long grass…
