• Question: Do you think God created us or is the theory of evolution correct?

    Asked by Skye2000123 to Lauren, Marisol, Michael, Sarah, Sophie on 8 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Michael Rivera

      Michael Rivera answered on 8 Nov 2016:

      Wow, this is probably the toughest question all of us will get asked during these two weeks! I’ll start this off and say that I believe in evolution! This is because it explains so much about how different animals became adapted to their environments.

      For example, imagine a butterfly that has brown wings and a butterfly that has bright red wings. It’s more likely that birds will eat that butterfly with bright-coloured wings, while the brown-winged butterfly lives. This brown-winged butterfly will then survive to give birth to more butterflies that carry the brown-winged gene. All of these brown butterflies will also avoid being eaten by birds, and will produce more brown-winged butterflies.

      In the same way, this is how elephants have evolved a long, muscular trunk, how dogs have sharp canine teeth, and how humans began walking on two legs. Nature gives challenges to animals, and those who are able to face those challenges better will pass on the genes needed to face those challenges.

      In this way, I don’t think God’s creating could have designed these features just like that. There is no evidence that God created these things. However, there are fossils of elephants with shorter trunks, dogs with teeth that aren’t as sharp, and human-like apes that hung out in the trees. Fossil evidence is why I believe in evolution.

      Regardless of people’s beliefs, I hope everyone can appreciate that evolution is a cool thing that happened in the past, and is still happening! I know many religious people who also accept evolution and I think it’s wonderful that a person can believe in both God and evolution.

      What about you? What do you think?

    • Photo: Lauren Burt

      Lauren Burt answered on 8 Nov 2016:


      This is an important question and is often asked.

      As a scientist, I have learnt a lot about the world using science rather than religion. Science tries to explain things based on what we discover. Religion is also used to try to explain things that have happened and has been around much longer than science.

      I believe in evolution. I think it is fascinating. I am not a religious person, but I believe in lots of the ideas, like being kind. You can almost make your own religion based on all the different things you believe in- and have a mix of science in there too!


    • Photo: Sarah Hunak

      Sarah Hunak answered on 8 Nov 2016:

      Great question. I believe in God and believe that God created us, but I don’t think for one second that this means that I can’t be a scientist. In fact, I think science only backs up my belief in God. I mean look around you. The world is such an incredible place. To me, that’s not just happened by chance. God created it all, and we can use science to help explain it.

      Some of the examples Michael used like the elephant with a shorter trunk are examples of natural selection which I totally believe in. Where the characteristics that are most beneficial to a species are passed down through generations. I don’t, however, believe that we evolved from monkeys. I believe in natural selection within a species, like the elephants, but I don’t believe that it can change one species into another – like monkeys into humans.

      But that’s just my opinion!
      The great thing about the world that we live in is that we have so much opportunity to learn and discover, so go out there and make up your own mind. Happy searching!
