• Question: What's pattern spotting?

    Asked by ScienceCat to Lauren on 6 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Lauren Burt

      Lauren Burt answered on 6 Nov 2016:

      Hi Again @ScienceCat!

      Pattern spotting is something that scientists love to do.

      Pattern spotting is:
      – finding out why something happens
      – how often it happens
      – how long has it been happening
      – how it might change over time.

      The ‘something’ could be anything- and it is a scientists job to find out the answer.

      One example from my job- the ‘something’ is a big storm!
      We try to spot patterns by:
      – finding out why a storm happens (usually caused by the weather)
      – find out how often a storm happens (is it every week, or just in the winter?)
      – find out how long storms have been happening somewhere (have they always happened here, or is this something new?)
      – how will storms change in the future? Will they be bigger and stronger and make more damage?

      I hope that helps!

      Lauren 😀
