• Question: what tips would you give to someone training to be a scientist what would you do differently

    Asked by 754nveg45 to Lauren, Marisol, Michael, Sarah, Sophie on 14 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Lauren Burt

      Lauren Burt answered on 14 Nov 2016:

      Good question.

      I would say:

      – pick your favourite subject. You will find out what that is as you get older
      – maths is more important than you think! It might be hard but stick with it!
      – don’t do the same subjects as your friends if you want to do something else. It is your future!
      – ask for help if you ever need it
      – enjoying your job is more important than the money
      – search your dream job and see what you need to learn.
      – it doesn’t matter if you don’t know what you want to be. You have years at school to learn new things that you never even knew about!
      -there are always more people out there who are interested in the same things as you!

      Hope that helps! Lauren ????
