• Question: what is your favorite pet that you have seen

    Asked by Alisha to Marisol on 10 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Marisol Collins

      Marisol Collins answered on 10 Nov 2016:

      Good question! My favourite animal that I have cared for was a little stray dog that was found ill and wandering the streets when I was working in Peru. Her name is ‘Yasilla’ and she had a terrible skin infection, both bacteria and parasites. She had no fur at all when we found her and was very, very itchy. We took her to the animal shelter where I was working, and over several weeks we nursed her back to health. First we tested her skin by taking a little sample and looking under the microscope to see what parasites and bacteria she had (she had a little mite that causes a condition called Mange). We were then able to give her treatments that got rid of her infection. Eventually, all her fur grew back and she was a very happy dog! We found her a loving new owner in the village ?
