• Question: what is the worst diease that a dog could have

    Asked by 754nveg45 to Lauren, Marisol, Michael, Sarah, Sophie on 16 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Michael Rivera

      Michael Rivera answered on 16 Nov 2016:

      @Marisol will be able to answer this better because she specialises in dog veterinary science! However, I thought it was even sad when my previous pet dogs had a cold! They get a sniffly nose, they sneeze and they cough. I felt very sorry for my pet dogs when they got a cold every now and again! 🙁


    • Photo: Marisol Collins

      Marisol Collins answered on 16 Nov 2016:

      There are many terrible diseases that dogs can get, but one of them has to be a virus called Parvovirus, and I see this in dogs at the clinic from time to time. The reason it is so terrible, is that it attacks the cells that line the intestines and destroys them, causing terrible diarrhoea and vomiting that can be very difficult to control. It more commonly affects dogs when they are puppies, so they are still quite fragile and young – this makes it even harder for the body to put up a fight!

      We do help dogs recover from it, but it needs lots of hard work from the veterinary team, with fluids, medications and intensive care.

      It is very, very contagious and the best way to avoid Parvovirus is to have your dog vaccinated when it is a puppy and through its whole life, so it can stay protected from this scary disease!

      Marisol 🙂
