• Question: what is an Atoms

    Asked by arora to Lauren, Marisol, Michael, Sarah, Sophie on 9 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Lauren Burt

      Lauren Burt answered on 9 Nov 2016:

      Everything is made of things called atoms. Even you! Your whole body is loads of atoms joined together! They are so tiny, you cant see them with your eyes, or a microscope! Just think how many atoms you must be made of!

      There are lots of types of atoms. Atoms of the same type make elements. Examples of elements are gold, silver, hydrogen or lead. Some atoms join up, but others stay apart.

      Sometimes, different elements join up with each other and make molecules. Molecules could be hydrogen or oxygen.

      If two or more elements join together they make a compound. When hydrogen and oxygen join together they make a compound called water!

      Thats how water is made!

      Lauren 😀
