• Question: if there is a storm depending on the different directions of wind do different things happen to beaches?

    Asked by Holly to Lauren on 8 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Lauren Burt

      Lauren Burt answered on 8 Nov 2016:


      Good question Holly!

      If I start by saying that waves are bigger if they have come from far away, and smaller if they haven’t been able to come far. For that reason, we get big waves in certain places, and the beaches get damaged more.

      So if you are stood on a beach in Cornwall, Southern England, and looked to the South, the next land you might see is South America! That means that if there is a storm coming our direction, the waves have to come a long way and can get really big. If your beach faces that way, you will get big waves!!!! If your beach faces another way, you will be protected from the big waves.

      If you see a storm on the weather, look which way it is going and try and work out how far it might have come!

      Lauren 😀
