• Question: Do you like your job?

    Asked by ScienceCat to Lauren, Sophie, Marisol, Michael, Sarah on 6 Nov 2016. This question was also asked by zara, 734nveg23, 699nveg23, 484nveg36.
    • Photo: Lauren Burt

      Lauren Burt answered on 6 Nov 2016:

      Hi @ScienceCat!
      Yes, I love my job. There is not a day when I worry about going to work. I like the balance of sitting behind a desk and using my brain to work out a problem, and then going outdoors and collecting information.

      I think it is really important to do a job that you really like.


    • Photo: Marisol Collins

      Marisol Collins answered on 10 Nov 2016:

      Hi ScienceCat!

      Yes, I do love my job! Every day can be different depending on whether I am working at the vet clinic, or working on my research project in the lab. Both are really interesting things, and I look forward to what the next day will bring! 🙂

