• Question: Can we catch all types of parasites form Animals

    Asked by Epicness???TK&JO to Marisol on 10 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Marisol Collins

      Marisol Collins answered on 10 Nov 2016:

      Good question! We can’t catch ALL the parasites out there from animals, but there are many that we can! Let me give you a couple of examples:
      We can catch some types of worms from animals, like Taenia saginata, a tapeworm that infects cows, and we can get it from eating raw or undercooked beef from an infected animal. The worm lives in the human intestine and can reach an amazing 20 meters in length!
      There are little mites that we can catch from animals too, like the scabies mite that causes a skin disease called Mange in animals. It can cross to us humans if we touch an infected animal or where an infected animal has been, and can give us a nasty itchy rash. Luckily, both of these, and many other parasites can be prevented and treated! Gross tho, huh? 🙂
