• Question: how long did the animal conservation projects take

    Asked by Dr. Virag to Sophie on 10 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Sophie Nedelec

      Sophie Nedelec answered on 10 Nov 2016:

      I worked on three conservation projects after I finished school at 18:
      I worked on an elephant conservation project for 2 months in Namibia – we built walls around farmers water points and built drinking places for elephants, and we counted and tracked elephants across the desert.

      In Sumatra I worked on an orangutan project for 18 days where I helped find orangutans and collect their poo for lab analysis for a study about their diet.

      Then in Sumatra I worked on a gibbon and siamang rehabilitation project for 2 weeks where we were looking after the animals who had been orphaned by deforestation and releasing them back into the rainforest.

      All of these projects were ongoing for years and I just joined in for a short time to help as much as I could along with other volunteers!
